Twitter wants to make it easier to see the news it thinks you care about.
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Twitter, the social media platform filled with good boys and endless political screaming, is getting serious about the way it tackles news. On June 13, the company announced a few new features coming to the app that should make it much easier to find topics you care about and get information from sources you trust. There’s not a name for any of what Twitter’s adding, and while that might make these efforts sound unfinished, they’re anything but.
To help keep users engaged with the world around them, Twitter will begin to send personalized push notifications and add little snippets at the top of your timeline for particularly big events the app thinks you’ll be interested in. When you tap on these notifications or event blurbs, you’ll be taken to a brand-new page that acts as a central hub for all the conversation happening around it
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The top of the page will show a live video of what’s going on, and as you scroll down, it’ll shrink and move with you so you can keep watching as you browse through what’s happening. Below the video is a quick description of the event/story, followed by a collection of Tweets.
Twitter’s slowly turning into a go-to news app.
Tweets are currently categorized by Recap and Latest, but Twitter says it plans on adding more down the road (with one possibility being a Top Commentary section).
Twitter’s also going to be completely revamping the Explore page. There are new tabs at the top for filtering news/tweets by Trending, For You, News, Sports, etc., and the brand-new event pages will be featured here, too.
It’s unclear when all of this will begin rolling out, but it’s definitely an interesting move for the company. Twitter’s large user base has made the app a great way to quickly catch up on what’s happening in the world, and thanks to these new features, doing that will soon be a lot prettier and more practical.